New NCR Nicotine Reinforcer RDA Preview – A Vaping Wafer?

Well this is exciting! The NCR Nicotine Reinforcer RDA – is a new style of Sub Ohm vaping tank – which is coil free!

This uses a ceramic wafer which heats up the E-liquid rather than a coil. This still needs wicking material – i.e. cotton. This apparently gives a strengthened nicotine effect for the vaper.

The wafer is around 0.4-0.5ohm resistance and promises to last for 600,000 uses.

NCR Nicotine Reinforcer RDA review

The outer shell is a frosted white finish with venting holes.

To use you install the wafer into the slot in the deck and secure with allen head screw. Use some cotton – preferably organic cotton and fold the strips and cover the wafer from the top. Insert the ends of the cotton into the deck to absorb the liquid.

An aluminium shell is fitted over the cotton to hold it in place.

You can clean the wafer by removing the wicking material, putting it on a mod and dry burning at 30-40W. Also a fine sandpaper can be used to remove any stubborn deposits on the wafer. Once clean you add new wicking material and off you go!

It is recommended to use the NCR Nicotine Reinforcer RDA on a mod which has the facility to adjust power output curves. It is recommended to set a high wattage (70-80W) at the firing stage for around 0.5-1 second. Then drop the wattage to around 40-50W to continue the firing.

cheap NCR Nicotine Reinforcer RDA

There is not much detail about this online and I cannot seem to find “NCR” as a manufacturer either so it is only showing up on retailer sites at the moment.

This isn’t cheap either – some of the pre-order prices look good – but the full retail price is a bit scary! But if you can use the wafer for long periods and are not buying coils this might work out economical.

This is pre-order and the release date appears to be early-mid December – will it be here in time for Santa to bring it down your chimney? See in

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