Sigelei Snowwolf Xfeng 230W Box Mod New Arrival

Snowwolf Xfeng 230W Mod follows Snowwolf’s classic clean-cut design. Representing the wolf temperament, with stylish front and back panels, reflecting the Zodiac. Xfeng Mod is powered by dual 18650 batteries with max 230 watt. Also features 3 different power modes, which respectively are strong output mode, regular output mode and soft output mode.

Subjectively speaking, this Xfeng looks like a more cohesive design than the Vfeng. Then again, we’re still only seeing the computer renderings, and those versus the actual mod are rarely 1:1 replications. But even if the mod looks exactly how it appears in the 3D renderings, will that be it? A cosmetic update? It seems like that’s most of what we get these days.

Xfeng mod

Color: Black

Price: $58.9 in

If you are a fan of Vfeng mod, you may also like this new Xfeng mod too, order now and have a try!

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